Source code for taran.worker

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module provides worker/actor specific methods to all child classes.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals)

import json

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from contracts import contract

from taran import Taran

[docs]class Worker(Taran): """A template for all decision processors. Attributes: configuration (module): The configuration a worker needs in order to participate in the workflow. """ @contract(configuration='*') def __init__(self, configuration=None): """Initialise state that applies to all workers. Args: configuration (module): The configuration a worker needs in order to participate in the workflow. """ super(Worker, self).__init__(configuration=configuration)
[docs] def poll_for_activity_task(self): """Poll for an activity task from SWF and return if a task token has been provided. Returns: task (dict): Details of the assigned task. """ self.msg(message='Polling for task routed to: ({0})...'.format(self.task_list)) try: task = self.swf_client.poll_for_activity_task(domain=self.domain_name, taskList={'name': self.task_list}, identity=self.identity) if task and 'taskToken' in task: self.activity_task = task self.activity_type_name = task['activityType']['name'] self.workflow_id = task['workflowExecution']['workflowId'] self.run_id = task['workflowExecution']['runId'] self.task_token = task['taskToken'] # SET WORKFLOW NAME AND VERSION workflow_execution = self.swf_client.describe_workflow_execution(domain=self.domain_name, execution={ 'workflowId': self.workflow_id, 'runId': self.run_id } ) self.workflow_name = workflow_execution['executionInfo']['workflowType']['name'] self.workflow_version = workflow_execution['executionInfo']['workflowType']['version'] except ClientError as ce: if 'AccessDeniedException' in ce.response['Error']['Code']: self.msg(message='Insufficient privileges to poll for task', level='error') exit() except: raise
[docs] def get_activity_results(self, activity=None): """Get a list of all results (when activity completed)""" activity_history = self.get_activity_history(workflow_history=self.workflow_history, activity_type=activity) results_list = list() if activity_history: for activity_event in activity_history: if activity_event.get('status') == 'completed': results_list.append(json.loads(activity_event.get('result'))) return results_list
[docs] def complete_activity_task(self, result='Undefined'): """Signal activity task as complete.""" try: self.swf_client.respond_activity_task_completed(taskToken=self.task_token, result=result) except ClientError as ce: if 'UnknownResourceFault' in ce.response['Error']['Code']: self.msg(message='Unable to complete activity task as Workflow' ' execution does not exist (already terminated?)')
[docs] def activity_task_failed(self, reason=None, details=None): """Signal that activity task failed.""" try: self.swf_client.respond_activity_task_failed( taskToken=self.task_token, reason=reason, details=details ) except ClientError as ce: print(str(ce))